Motivation Monday–Jogging with James

happy Monday!

Thank you so much for all the cheers on my Santa Rosa Marathon recap. more thoughts on that coming soon.
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I am feeling truly great thinking about I ran 26 miles difficult (for me) yesterday!! My quads would like a rub as well as my ankle is still tight, however nothing major at all.  I took a bit walk with my preferred SR this morning as well as will most likely do some stretching later, however most of this week will be Rest, Eat, Repeat.

Recent eats include some legendary Mexican. Si se puede.

I am focused on recuperating this Camiseta AS Monaco week, however I am likewise working with the ING new York City Marathon team. Steve, Dave, Jen as well as I are sharing our mid-week workouts weekly up until the race to assist keep you (and us) accountable!

Since mid-week workouts are the hardest to stay with we are inspecting in on the Runner’s nation Facebook page to report out goal workout for the week as well as then inspecting back in when it’s done.  join us!

This week is my week, so here’s my mid-week challenge. I’ll most likely wait up until Thur or Fri to run it since I requirement some rest.

Motivation Monday with James Marshall

Last week I had the chance to interview James Marshall on his legendary Marathon across the Sahara desert.

He completed the Marathon des Sables which is 6 marathons in 5 days! The temperatures can reach 134 degrees as well as you have to bring most of your stuff with you. It’s crazy! as well as amazing.

Watch the video below for some inspiration. as well as here’s my interview with him:

RER: When did you begin running?

Marshall: I ran before I might walk I think. Running is where I feel the most peace, most calm.

RER: exactly how did you get into ultra-running?

Marshall: I don’t believe I deserve to be called an ultra-runner!

(Oh my gosh, he totally does.)

RER: Why the Marathon des Sables?

Marshall: I’ve done a lot of marathons before, however this is something beyond anything I might imagine. When you run a marathon you push yourself extremely hard. You feel sore the next day. But, understanding I had to run 6 marathons in 5 days, I was truly having Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Argentina a hard time to get my head around it.

RER: exactly how did you train for the race?

Marshall: I went to a location that focuses on preventative medicine. They take a holistic view of things. We organized exactly how to fuel my body as effective as possible. Also, exactly how to train your mind beyond anything it’s gone to before.

RER: I watched the video as well as saw you had some truly bad, unpleasant looking foot problems. exactly how did you offer keeping that out there?

Marshall: It was a genuine emotional, mental stumbling block. I was in a great deal of pain. I didn’t sleep extremely well. I woke up as well as provided myself a speaking to, people have infants as well as go with a great deal worse pain in life. Suck it up as well as offer with it.

RER: What did you eat out there?

Marshall: My body burns calories extremely quickly, even more so when it’s 110 degrees as well as your body is burning to keep it cool.

I had to bring whatever on me from day one. We researched what food would provide me the greatest amounts of calories in the smallest amount of weight. things like peanuts as well as dates were a few of the it. Also, freeze dried foods.

RER: What did you eat as your ‘victory meal’?

Marshall: At one point I believe I was hallucinating a bit bit. I have a low meat diet, however I must have been craving protein since I believed I might odor steak out there. I believe I lost 15 pounds of muscle mass in those days. So, after I had steak as well as beer.

Awesome, right?!

Of interest: The Santa Rosa Marathon winner’s results were delayed 3 hours since the 1st & 2nd location guys accidentally went the wrong way. What?!

Question: Is it harder for you to workout on the weekdays or weekends?



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