Be fit and pain totally free event

Hello! I was scheduled Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Arabia Saudita to do some kind of work out at the event I attended this morning, but I wasn’t sure what. So, I fueled up with an egg sandwich before heading out.

The inside had laughing cow cheese and polka dot ketchup  
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Plus a jug of iced coffee for the long drive to LA! I keep Camiseta Gremio forgetting I live in Orange county until I try to go somewhere in Los Angeles and it takes forever! fortunately there was no traffic and it was all smooth sailing driving.

I was invited to attend the “Be fit and pain totally free in 2011” event in hidden Hills, California. trainer to the stars – Kathy Kaehler was there to put us through a work out and talk about the Salonpas patches.

I didn’t run today in hopes that this would be a legit workout and it was! Well, it’s always about what you put into Camiseta Watford FC it, right! and I made sure to try my best  

We did a fun circuit of planks…

Okay maybe the planks were the least fun, but I do love circuit workouts! We used to do circuits in the weight room in high school and it was fun to keep changing it up!

Chair squats…

Bicep curls with a resistance band…

My favorite was the trampoline! I had a little one like this when I was a kid and love it!


okay, you get the idea  

We also did: squats, steps ups on a board, triceps dip, take on raises, and used sliders – I think there were 8 circuits in all.

After she showed us how to do the exercises we did each for one minute and rotated around the room.

Then, we had the opportunity to sit down with Kathy and the other bloggers and chat.

I met SkinnyRunner and a few other new faces and blog readers! the best part of these events is meeting other bloggers from the area   I didn’t realize she was in the OC too. I live in Lalaland, sorry.

The event was sponsored by Salonpas, the company makes pain relief patches. You are expected to put use them on a sore or injured area and pain relief can last up to 12 hours! I’ve had relationships that don’t last that long!

My left IT band has been achy, so I’m going to try it today and let you know what I think.

On the way home I had an apple. I wish I could show you much more of the private community where we had the event. I bet there are a lot of celebrities living in this place! but sadly, we were sworn to discretion (not my strong suit, but I agreed).

Now I’m off to my little brother’s basketball game. See ya in a bit!



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