How To wash Compression Socks and Sunday set Up

(Check out the bottom of the post for how to wash compression socks.)

Hello! I had a good Saturday! Did you?
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It was fun while it lasted, but I’m worn out today.

And I’m pretty ecstatic that vegas figured out how to look at the camera! Caterday selfie!!

Sunday set Up

The weekend is nearly over. now it’s time to prep for a good, healthy week!

I woke up way too Camiseta Racing Club de Avellaneda early (my body clock is the worst) and made a decision to just Camiseta SL Benfica start the day. I was on a roll this morning! I washed clothes, took a walk, grabbed iced coffee and went to church. All before noon. Boom.

Have you tried these new Dole Banana Dippers yet? I actually had them at my mom’s last week and loved them. They are delicious and portioned controlled – each package has four Camiseta Vissel Kobe pieces of chocolate covered banana. They are 100 calories each so you can eat two packages and not feel bad like I did.

Since I was there I figured lunch at Costco was in order. You know it’s all about a healthy balance of pizza and anti-oxidants.

You don’t know how ecstatic I am about this tequila boot!!! I am obsessed with finding place that sells boots to drink out of in vegas because one time we got one.

Oh. Back to set up…

Now I’m cooking up some food in the crockpot for some meal prep…

How To wash Compression Socks

I typically get asked “How are you meant to wash / take care of compression socks?” considering that I’m a big proponent of Procompression socks.

I wash them with my other running clothes and then lay them out or hang them to dry. nothing really special. often I forget and just dry them and the sky hasn’t fallen yet. But, I think they’ll last longer if you are a lot more careful than I am.

Question: have you planned out your week yet? Meals? Exercise? Other??

Show me your Sunday set Up!



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