Sunset as well as Natalie Dee Jokes

Hello! How’s it going?

My weekend has been completely low key. yesterday Ben as well as I took an extremely important trip to the store as well as pulled over on the method back to enjoy the sunset.
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Fun fact: Ben has to hold me down as well as force me to stop as well as odor the flowers or enjoy a sunset or I’d never see ‘em. perhaps that’s part of the reason I can run long – I am just trying to get somewhere, not enjoy the journey??

Anyway, it was a extremely quite sunset.

Now what was this important trip to the store all about?

I heard about the blue Bell Christmas Cookie ice cream from blogland. Unfortunately, So Cal stores don’t care this brand. But, after consulting PB Fingers, I understood I had to get some. Yes, it is delicious. get this as well as the Gingerbread home flavor if they offer it near you. Trust.

We spent the evening with Ben’s sibling as well as some friends. obviously our airplane to FL was truly a time machine back to college since there’s still a great deal of beer pong going on right here virtually every night…

Then, we changed to Cranium. That was fun!

This morning I meant to do one more 12 mile run, however church started at 9:30am (not 11am like I’m utilized to).  So, I abandoned the walkway after 6 miles. I’m kinda thankful – it’s freezing here!

I grabbed a banana with PB as well as went to Jesus’ house.

After church I enjoyed some pink eggs = eggs cooked up with salsa.

Life imitating art?

Yes, I Camiseta Crystal Palace FC know. most things I do are in excess… running, eating, drinking as well as makeup. perhaps you just satisfied me a year or Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Marruecos two ago, however my flaws have been my flaws permanently (to some extent). So, when somebody leaves a comment that I do xyz in excess… I listen, however it’s a process to modification these things (if I select to do so).

But, it’s kinda funny when I see a Natalie Dee animation that feels like it’s a joke on me.

Too much comprise girl…

Meet today’s Natalie Dee…

It’s titled “no no no do two or three more laps”.

Right, right??

I would work on it, however my NY’s resolution listing is already quite long

Question: What was the very best thing you ate this weekend?

That ice cream tops everything. Boom



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