Post breakfast Run

I did it. I ran after breakfast. It wasn’t that bad.

But, it wasn’t that good either. So, I will not be changing my schedule around to accommodate later runs ? No Thanks.
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When I got home from my run I had a cookie…

and made a decision all runs must end with a cookie. Or two.

I made a decision to just eat lunch early so I could eat a lot more cookies as “lessert”.

I threw together random things from my fridge: roasted brussels, Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Catar rice (with smart balance and salt) and a Camiseta Fútbol veggie burger. I’ve been trying to get back to eating how and what I want and I’ve found that my tastes are pretty basic and I do often feel best with whole foods.

But, even though this meal hits all the bases and is what I like, it’s a little light to keep me full for three hours. (That is of course where the cookies come in.)  I don’t want to think about food every hour or two so, it’s a balance to make sure my meals are what I want to eat and they are calorie dense enough that I don’t have an excuse to snack all afternoon because I ate a light lunch.

If you are eating too light and always snacky I would encourage you to bulk up your meals. It’s hard not to be food obsessed when you read food blogs. But, it’s even harder when you are legitimately hungry.

Still with me?


It’s okay. I’m not always with me either.

I love that Natalie Dee reminds me that my problems are pretty lame compared to the actual crappy things that are going on in our world today.


Reality Check.

If you have twitter, your life is pretty good.

Thank you baby Jesus.

I got out of class for like the first time ever and made a beeline for whole Foods for my weekly juice fix. I need a juicer. Or a million dollars so I can keep getting whole Foods juices.

With a shot of wheatgrass. For the record, wheatgrass Camiseta Ajax is gross. You take it like an actual shot. just slam it down.

maybe not everything that happens in vegas stays there, because my shot taking ability serves me well at whole Foods. Reminder: If you ask for a lime chaser the cashier looks at you weird.  He also looks at you odd if you refer to your shot of wheatgrass as a Kamikaze.

And considering that the hot foods bar is $2.00 off on Wednesdays…

I also ate a bunch of grapes and an extra cookie or three over the course of the day.

Ben and I came up with a good idea to keep me on track with my IE goals that I’ll share tomorrow 🙂 



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⚡ by shareaholic


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