Dole healthy lifestyle blogger summit

I am attending the Dole healthy lifestyle summit until Friday and am currently blogging from the fanciest hotel I’ve ever stomped into! Dole herded me and a few other bloggers together to talk food, recipes Camiseta Fluminense and healthy living in Westlake village for a few days.

MY most current VIDEOS

How to do the lower Body workout for Runners A
Quick tutorial of the lower Body for Runners workout A moves. This includes:
Sumo Squat
Reverse Lunge – right
Reverse Lunge – left
Lateral Camiseta Bologna FC 1909 Lunge – ideal
Lateral Lunge – left

Get this month’s workout calendar for Runners now on

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High Achiever – good listen book Review



This is no joke – the hotel room is bigger than my life condo!

If this was house Hunters I would make a comment about how ecstatic I am for the soaking tub. You know, cause people use those all the time…

You know how you know a place is fancy?

They have a T.V. in the bathroom. Done.

I am still feeling sick and ate really light (for me) today. So, I felt odd at the cocktail party – like I was hungry, but nauseous. I dunno.

Before dinner we had a top chef Challenge! I was on the salad team. We had to use these ingredients: walnuts, shallots and salad.

There were big tables set up covered with ingredients and we had complimentary reign of everything.

Go fig.ure 

My team started making the salad without me…

because I had to take a leek.

Leah from Bookieboo is here too! I write for her and I’m a fan of the redhair

Finally I got to chopping the walnuts. I was in charge of caramelizing them.

I was also in charge of repeating, “Don’t cut your finger off in front of all these people. Don’t cut your finger off in front of all these people…” in my head.

The whole group:

Once we were done cooking we had to present our dishes to the judges incredibly top chef style. But, Meghann was confused and did the YMCA.

and a sexy dance… No wonder she won! Cheater.

Luckily, the judges liked our Dole-icious Salad. I’m considering it 2nd place.

Finally it was time to eat! We started with an asparagus soup.

The main course was a buffet. The #1 reason I strength train is to be able to carry heavy plates at a buffet. It’s funny ‘cause it’s true.

Dessert was a light cheesecakse and berry crumble.

And around midnight Boston time Tina finally made it! She had major travel issues, hopefully the weather will be great to make up for it

We have a full agenda of fun stuff planned for tomorrow. You can follow along on twitter with the hashtag  #dolehealthsummit

Okay, I still feel a little sick and really need to get some sleep See ya later!



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